The weekend's dumpling feast

pan fried dumplings, from Hao Bao Dumplings

Our refrigerator and freezer contain what is dangerously close to being described as an "embarrassing amount" of dumplings. Pork, vegetable, beef, chicken... Most of them pan-fried, the rest frozen and ready for me to prep any other way I want. Steamed, boiled, and yes (my favorite), pan-fried.

A coworker's family runs Hao Bao Dumplings, with two locations in the area. I finally got around to trying them and have been feasting on them throughout the weekend. They're excellent. Seriously.

I have a feeling that, even though we have a healthy inventory, I will be going back for more, soon.

Liner notes

After learning about the remaking of this album on NPR, I was immediately inclined to buy it. The movie "Harold and Maude" (watched as part of a film appreciation class in high school) first introduced me to Cat Stevens, and I feel nostalgic any time I hear one of his tracks.

Of the few CDs I have purchased in the last 10 yers, I have grown to appreciate the minimal packaging they come in. I love that the plastic jewel cases are less of a "thing", with the cardboard taking up much less space on shelves.

It's rare that an album has come with complete liner notes. usually there are a few things printed on the case but, this one came with a full booklet filled with lyrics and photographs.

Took me back to the days of reading them and looking at the artwork as the song was playing. A far more immersive experience.

And though I "ripped" the album so that I could add it to my iPod and phone, I still opt to play it on the CD player. The sound quality is noticeable, seemingly taking up space throughout the room instead of feeling like it's being shoved towards you from a single direction (the speakers).

[10/10] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


I was too sidetracked this week to get into any recreational reading. But there is plenty on the list so, hoping to make up for it this coming week.


3rd Rock From the Sun - currently at s2 e10. Jan Hooks is amazing. Tommy falling for his teacher and justifying it because he feels he is really older than his body looks is classic. Sally's constant pushback against the roles others push on her "because she is the woman" gets better and better.

Star Trek: Lower Decks - pure fun with plenty of callbacks to all of the other franchises. The season finale was very entertaining. 

Fargo - currently at s4, e4 - This definitely has the same look/feel, pacing, and great acting associated with the show. I love the visuals, from the framing to the colors; it’s beautiful photography. Season 2 was amazing and still is my favorite season. This one is entertaining but, just not as good. At least so far. 


This week’s rotation included Smokey Brights, Yusuf/Cat Stevens, Caro Emerald, and Janelle Monáe.

[Single] “La Incondicional” by La Dame Blanche - I love the guitar juxtaposition against the beat. 

[Single] “Turntables” by Janelle Monáe - I have no excuse for always forgetting how good her music is. 

[Podcast] Death, Sex, and Money: Getting Real About Getting Older - A really good conversation to have, and more so as we realize what is really important to us while having to physically and socially distance ourselves.


Testing her new "suction cup window cradle thing".

over-topped wedge

over-topped wedge

I was trying to use up the last of the bacon, tomatoes, and deli turkey so, I suppose this is more "toppings" than "salad". 

[10/3] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened

Recently Read

Monstress, vol 5: Warchild, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda - Wow, intense build up throughout this one. There are a few spreads where I considered finding a way to enlarge and hang on my wall (they were stunningly gorgeous).

The Best American Short Stories, edited by Roxane Gay - A really good and diverse (in character, genre, and writer) collection.

Uncommon Type, by Tom Hanks - Another good collection of short stories. I like the common thread running throughout.

Recently Watched

3rd Rock From the Sun - currently at s2 e2. More silliness because, well... that's what is needed right now.

Taco Chronicles - vol. 2. I appreciated the treatment they gave to the "American Taco" episode, addressing head-on whether it is a "real taco or not" (which I think is a ridiculous argument). And while I watch this series mainly for the food porn and the fun personalities highlighted, I do really love learning about the history behind the specific taco types. I liked "Burrito" and "Pescado" episodes a lot.

The Foreigner (2017) - Who doesn't like an old fashioned "old ex-special forces guy seeks revenge when his daughter is innocently killed by the IRA" movie every now and then?

Recently Listened

This week’s rotation included Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Yo-Yo Ma, The Ahn Trio, and Yusuf Cat Stevens.

[Single] “Impossible Weight (Feat. Sharon Van Etten)”, by Deep Sea Diver - I like the guitars riffs and overall rhythm in this one. Was a good pick me up for the week.

[Single] “Guanaco”, by Terror/Cactus - A chill, instrumental track that I played In the background while doing some work.

[Podcast] Extra Spicy: Barbecue That’s Worth the Wait - Other than stoking a strong craving for barbecue from Horn BBQ, this was a very heartwarming story about finding and following your passion.


Picture of Avocado on Sacramento Baking Company's Native grain bread (my new favorite), with Lao Gan Ma's Spicy Chili Crisp and egg.
Breakfast: Avocado on Sacramento Baking Company's Native grain bread (my new favorite), with Lao Gan Ma's Spicy Chili Crisp and egg.

I appreciate the simplicity in this breakfast but, more so, I enjoy how this simplicity contains layers of flavors and textures. It almost feels indulgent rather than "healthy".

Finding my calm within the Asian Countryside

Like many, I started my "YouTube habit" watching a wide range of "how to" videos. I watch anything from cooking to home repair to software programming to photography. I like learning about a wide range of things.

Like many (according to their views and subscriber counts), I have discovered a niche*: countryside living videos. Specifically, ones from China and Korea. They're a mix of farming and cooking genres; not really "how to" though there's a lot that can be learned from watching them.

Which is what first intrigued me to seeking and discovering similar channels. I soon realized that I was watching them not to learn anything. I realized I was watching them because the combination of the stellar videography, editing, and music was relaxing. These videos calm me.

These are recent videos from my three favorites:

키미 Kimi
李子柒 Liziqi
Dianxi Xiaoge

My favorite thing about Dianxi Xiaoge's channel is (of course) Dawang, her dog.

There are many other channels like these. Some take place in suburban and even urban, modern living environments, and usually have a similar aesthetic.

* Is it even a niche? Probably more apt to call it a genre.

[9/26] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened

Recently read

AG23 Issue 1: Elements - I love this photo “zine” so much that I purchased the print version of it. It’s beautiful and inspiring. 

How Much of These Hills is Gold, by C Pam Zhang - I always wondered why more stories weren’t told about Chinese (and other Asians) during the Gold Rush, railroad expansion, and Wild West eras. This novel dives right into it, following the dreams of a family of prospectors and their having to navigate around being treated as “other”. 

Next to Last Stand, by Craig Johnson -  The latest in one of my favorite (book) series. I loved the humor throughout, especially during the story's climax.

Recently watched

Star Trek: Short Treks - rewatched the original three and caught up on the remaining seven episodes. They’re light, short, and fun… enough to whet the whistle between seasons. 

Challenger: The Final Flight (2020) - I wrote about this here.

3rd Rock From the Sun - currently at s1 e11. Just started a series re-watch. We needed something fun and silly to get away from everything not fun nor silly (i.e. real life). Jane Curtain is too good in this.

Recently listened

This week’s rotation included Sublime, Incubus, Tool, and Led Zeppelin.

[Single] “In Heaven”, by Pelvis Wrestley - a unique sound, almost as strange as the group’s name. 

[Podcast] Every Little Thing - I have grown to love this fun podcast where they answer people’s random questions with a (usually) fun twist. Both educational and funny. And Flora’s puns are, well… she likes puns. The Stamps episode was particularly fun.  

Remembering Challenger

"Challenger: The Final Flight" trailer on Youtube

I knew that I wanted to watch this. I also knew that it would be difficult for me to watch. The 1986 Challenger Disaster is the first "global disaster" that I remember having a profound effect on me (the second being the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests).

I know that we watched the launch (and explosion) in school. I don't remember much around it other than I do remember thinking about it for days, weeks, and months afterwards. Every day, I thought about the seven lost and how shocking it all was.

Challenger was my favorite shuttle. Not sure why; it could very well have just been because I liked the name. I also equated it with Sally Ride (rightly so).

I'm glad that this documentary spent a lot of time with the families and friends of the astronauts lost. I always wondered about how much this affected them and their views about space exploration, NASA, and what had happened.

I'm angry at the decisions and the decision makers, even today in 2020. Though, in a way, I can understand why they proceeded (with the launch) due to the environment and pressure they were in. It's not an excuse for loss of life but, it's easy for us (humans) to become faulty in faulty environments.

And yes, this was a difficult watch. My eyes watered throughout the entire docu-series.

Some additional thoughts while watching Challenger: The Final Flight:

  • Judy Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka seemed like AMAZING people to learn more about and even hang out with.
  • Sally Ride... she's a bigger hero than a lot of people give her credit for. Especially if what she did during the hearings, portrayed in this docu-series, is true.
  • I appreciate that Barbara Morgan had a chance to go up into space and deliver lessons to students. And her story about Christa McAuliffe baking her a pie within 2-hours of them moving in next door to each other? Killed me.

[9/19] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened

Recently Read

The Disaster Tourist, by Yun Ko-Eun, translated by Lizzie Buehler - a quick but very good, entertaining, read.

Recently Watched

Away (2020) - This falls apart (for me) in the first episode, when you quickly realize that there is a lot of drama for the sake of having a lot of drama. The conflicts are jammed in there, not coming naturally. I want it to be good because I like the actors but…. it’s a struggle to get through the episodes. 

Parasite (2019) - There isn’t anything I don’t like about this. The writing, cinematography, acting, editing… everything is perfect. 

Recently Listened

This week’s rotation included Japanese Breakfast, Rainer Maria, Rage Against the Machine, Megadeth, and Incubus.

[Single]  “South Gotta Change” by Adia Victoria - I like the rhythm and beat but like the lyrics even more.

[Podcast] Criminal: Kids on the Case - This whole episode gives me hope for youth in general, and for who these kids (in the episode) will become.

New cookbook for the collection

Cover of Cook Korean!, by Robin Ha
Cook Korean! by Robin Ha

My new favorite cookbook just arrived. I'm excited! It's filled with a beautiful and fun collection of art and recipes for common and simple (to make) Korean dishes. I really like Robin Ha's art.

The book introduces ingredients and techniques for each dish. While it might be ok for a beginner cook, it assumes a lot of knowledge around general food prep.

Contemplating social media and my own use

Instagram, cut off from a steady supply of vacations and parties and other covetable experiences, had grown unsettlingly boring, its inhabitants increasingly unkempt and wild-eyed, each one like the sole surviving astronaut from a doomed space-colonization mission, broadcasting deranged missives about yoga and cooking projects into an uncaring void. Twitter, on the other hand, felt more like a doomed space-colonization mission where everyone had survived but we had to decide who to eat. Or like a drunken 3 AM basement fight club, a crowd of edgy brawlers circling each other, cracking their knuckles, waiting for an excuse. Only, it didn’t have any of the danger, or eroticism, or fun you might expect from a fight club.

~ from "Going Postal" by Max Read, on Bookforum

I don't have concrete decisions made nor do I know what my next actions are. I do know that 1) I don't want to delete my accounts, and 2) I want to use my social media with more intent.

Until I figure out how, I have deleted all social media apps from my mobile devices (accessing them only from a web browser on a computer) to give myself some time and space to figure this out.

[9/12] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened

Recently Read

  • On Being a Photographer, by David Hurn - reread this. I needed a good reminder.
  • The Cold Vanish, by Jon Billman - the author writes with a lot of heart and genuine care about the missing and their families. This book has forever changed the way I see missing person stories.
  • Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, by Jaron Lanier - Well-written and well-researched. I haven't made any concrete decisions but I do know that I want to reduce my presence, and time spent, on social media in the near future.

Recently Watched

  • Star Trek: Enterprise - completed the series rewatch after a long few months. This is my least favorite of the franchise spinoffs. It wasn’t all bad; there were a few good moments and episodes. Season 4 was, as most say, definitely better than the previous three. 
  • Yellowstone - caught up on all three seasons. I like a modern western so, generally, I liked this.
  • Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020) - Nostalgia can only go so far. It cannot replace plot and character arcs.
  • Black Panther (2018) - RIP Mr. Boseman.
  • The Social Dilemma (2020) - I think it's important that we become more aware, and that social media companies become more transparent, in what these platforms do and how.

Recently Listened

  • This week's rotation included Crimson Apple, Caro Emerald, Japanese Breakfast, and Ana Tijoux.
  • [Single] "NO news on TV" by Noga Erez - sheltering at home? This is a good track for that.
  • [Podcast] Frontyard Politics - I love listening to the stories around urban farming and their juxtapositions (as both metaphors and actuals) with our culture and society.

Typewriter tools, acquired

Typewriter repair tools


Why do I still have sound turned on for my Facebook notifications? Why do I still have Facebook on my phone? I need to turn that off or even delete the app soon... 

*opens app*

I have an alert set for "typewriter" on Facebook marketplace. Mainly just to see if anything interesting comes up within a 100 mile radius. While I'm not in the market for a fourth typewriter, I like to "window", er... Facebook shop.

Someone just posted a typewriter tool set for $60. I knew that was a deal, having started looking into some tools online. Offset wrenches, extra-long and sometimes offset screwdrivers with heads of varying sizes, spring hooks, specialized clamps and straighteners...

I knew I needed specialized typewriter tools, I just didn't know which tools. Each of my typewriters needs adjusting and, eventually, will need repair. So why not get as many as I can?

These were quite a find, once belonging to the owner of Otto's Office Machines in Carmichael, CA. He spent his entire career repairing typewriters and his son was working to find a new home for them.

"I want to see them put to use, not listed on eBay", he told me. Another $50 got me another box of typewriter tools in addition those shown in the original listing photo. In my early experience learning about these tools, all of them could easily sell for $250-$500.

I have no interest in selling this stuff. I need them. I'm happy to put them to use.

He also gave me two tchotchkes, a typewriter tie pin and an Olivetti (typewriter brand) pin. I thought they were neat.

Smith-Corina Electra 110

I wasn't in the market for a fourth typewriter...

My first experience with a typewriter was in grade school. It was electric and had a correction feature that deleted the ink from the paper using a white sticky "ribbon". It was neat, I remember, but I also remember being happy when we moved away from it and to using a computer.

So, when he showed me the Smith Corona Electra 110, I was preparing a "no thanks" in my head. That is, until he told me the price. "I'll give it to you for $20".

It needs some work, general cleanup and tightening here and there. Maintenance and repair tasks that I now have the tools to complete.


pastrami on rye

I ordered the pastrami, along with a lot of other goodies, from the Congregation Beth Shalom Food Faire. I miss not being able to go to different events like this so, this is the next best thing; order and eat at home.

It made a GREAT sandwich. Looking forward to some matza ball soup and maybe some chocolate babka later, for dinner.

Newsletter 2.0

Ok, ok... it turns out that I miss writing/sending a newsletter. More than I thought that I would. It's a much better, slower, and intimate way to share.

So I'll be starting one up again. I'm still trying to figure out format and frequency but it's coming soon.

Subscribe here.

Thank you!

smoke tinted rose

white rose in a smoke colored tint

No, not a white balance issue… that orange tint is from the smoke that has filled the sky. Often, the smoke from surrounding wildfires makes it's way into the Sacramento Valley and just... sits. You can see some ash on the petals as well.

break light

break light

evening typewriter meditation

evening typewriter meditation

Typing on a manual typewriter has rekindled my desire to write more often.

afternoon nap

afternoon nap

Some movies I liked


I haven't watched a lot of movies over these past few years because I always felt disappointed after them. I found that I just wasn't enjoying movies anymore. I don't have any specific reasons to explain to you; I just wasn't excited by them for a while.

With us being home more, and constantly searching for things to watch (in addition to revisiting older tv series), I ventured back into the movie world. I saw these over the past few weeks and surprisingly liked them very much.

Greyhound (2020) - A tense 90-minutes from start to finish. Really well done. Sure, it didn't spend time on character development but I don't think this movie needed it. The main character was the crew (as a whole), not individuals.

The Old Guard

The Old Guard (2020) - Just a fun movie all around. It's definitely primed for sequels and they can't make them soon enough! Also, Charlize is my current favorite action star.


Irresistible (2020) - The movie made a few jumps that left me questioning the development of some of the character relationships but, otherwise a funny movie that brings to light something scary about our electoral system. I liked Chris Cooper and Mackenzie Davis' performances. This movie definitely had shades of Jon Stewart (writer/director) in it.

Troop Zero

Troop Zero (2020) - I had no idea what to expect. The poster reminded me of any "underdog" movie so I watched... and VERY glad I did so. This was definitely an underdog movie, and the group of girls they put together were very entertaining. Fantastic performances all around. Viola Davis is astounding, and paired with Allison Janney makes for a great duo. And who knew Jim Gaffigan could act like that? Highly recommend.


Little Fires Everywhere (2020) - Not a movie but I really liked it. Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon did fantastic work with their roles acting and producing this. It was very well done. I did like the book much better (and am currently rereading it after seeing this). But they cast this series perfectly. Every character fits what I imagined while reading it (the first time).

Sunday morning

This morning is blurry like my head. I suppose that's what Sunday mornings are for; allowing yourself to be blurry.

Grilled carne asada

If you don't already know, flank steak is probably the easiest cut of beef to grill. Easy, quick, and forgiving. Marinating it makes it even better.

My favorite way to use flank steak is for carne asada. I love the different variations of marinades that you can make for it. Even better is indulging with a stack of corn tortillas, fresh salsa, and maybe a side of beans.

This past weekend, I havested the first 5 shishito peppers from my garden. Tossed with a little salt and sesame oil, then grilled, they were a great compliment to the carne asada tacos.

So very satisfying.

This morning, I made Carne Asada marinade

This morning, I made marinade for Carne Asada. I love the smell and taste combination; cilantro, lime, garlic, jalapeño, and (for this recipe) some soy sauce and apple cider vinegar. My hands still smell like cilantro and garlic. It’s wonderful.