Joanna Stern is good at what she does, and I really like her breakdown of the technology during this interview. This video interview is a good breakdown of what is happening with Apple’s “child protection features”. While it does make it more clear, you should still (and always) be concerned about your provacy, and make decisions based on your personal comfort level. đź’»

I started watching Reservation Dogs and after the first couple of episodes, I’m hooked. I love the humor in it. This is a GREAT show! đź“ş

Watched the Naomi Osaka (2021) documentary. I like, respect, and admire that she is finding her own voice and standing up for what she wants to. And I appreciate that she has a supportive team and family. đź“ş

I finally got around to watching Ip Man 4 (2019). I loved it, just as I loved the entire series. This one definitely hit different (pun accidentally intended) with the anti-Chinese sentiments in the movie juxtapositioned with what is happening in today’s world (with the multiple incidents of anti-Asian hate). 🎥

The Paper Tigers (2020) is formulaic and full of tropes but you know what? I liked it. Light-hearted and entertaining, like a movie should be. 🎥

This NPR Life Kit episode is worth the listen. Not only to learn a little about letter-writing but, to learn to write/communicate better. 🎙

It’s displacement of the problems when what we need is far more radical.

I appreciate Alicia Kennedy’s newsletter more and more each week.

Finished reading: Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age by Annalee Newitz đź“š

I found every page facinating and not only feel like I learned a lot of new things but that I want to continue learning more. đź“š

Finished re-reading: You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto by Jaron Lanier đź“š

It was a good reminder and helped me rethink and realign some thoughts.

The print edition of Pop-Up Magazine’s Field Guide is one of the best things that I have purchased this year. This is a beautiful composition of art, photography, and text that I just can’t stop looking through. đź“š

The anxiety brews when my phone battery slides closer and closer to 50% yet, it’s not the same with my car’s fuel tank. I’m good there until the 1/4 mark.

Not a huge difference, of course, but a difference. And I’m spending this morning wondering “why?”.

What is worth the ink?
What is worth the share?
It’s exactly what you think,
Confirming you will go nowhere.

Hello World!

I figured that I have been lurking long enough and it’s high time to give this platform an actual post. Looking forward to posting and reading (your posts)!

Sunday morning

A Sunday favorite. Taken July 11, 2021.

This morning I picked up more bagels from Better Half Bagel. I have been craving them since, well... the last time we ordered. He (the owner took a few weeks off which was a nice way to force me into pacing myself. Otherwise I'd have these every Sunday.

There's nothing wrong with that, right?

The tomato is from our garden and, if you don't already know, tomatoes you get at the supermarket are trash. If you can, grow your own. The next best thing is to get them from a farmer's market.

Not shown is some homemade cold brew coffee served on ice and this entire breakfast has put me into a very, very good mood.

Escape the heat!

Breakfast at Spud Point Crab Co., Bodega Bay, CA, on June 28, 2021.

After a couple years of living in Sacramento, I still consider myself very much newbie. I'm easily identified as a "Southern Californian" when I insert my "the"s before freeway and interstate numbers.

Recently, I learned that people in the Sacramento Valley "evacuate" towards the coasts when it gets really hot. Makes sense.

So we followed the flow, opting to hold out for a weekday to escape to Bodega Bay to beat the valley heat, and the weekend crowds.

We got there in time for breakfast at a place recommended to me by a photographer I follow online. The Spud Point Crab Company has a sign proclaiming "Caution Our Clam Chowder Can Be Addictive". There's a scene in the movie "Elf" where Buddy the Elf walks by a coffeeshop with a sign saying "World's Best Coffee", and he goes inside to very excitedly congratulate them. I think about this scene anytime I see a place that boasts about their product. The Spud Point Crab Company's New England Clam Chowder? They're not lying; that was seriously one of the best clam chowders I have ever eaten. 

We spent time exploring the small town, finding ourselves in some neat little neighborhoods. We also found many different trailheads, beach access for sunning and clamming, equestrian and bike trails, and more. The coastline was my favorite, not only to take in the much needed ocean views but the 60 degree and overcast weather. Much needed.

Lunch at The Boat House, Bodega Bay, CA on June 28, 2021.

How can I leave a coastal area without indulging in more fresh fish? Fish and chips were my first choice but I would have easily settled for fish tacos. Luckily The Boat House, a recommendation from my wife's coworker, came through.

We'll definitely be back to Bodega Bay, and we'll definitely take advantage of the trails and the slow, cool, lifestyle.

[6/19] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


I'm way out of my reading routine. I have been focused on starting some other habits and it's taken time and energy away from reading. Nothing new to report this week but hopefully will have something soon.


Sweet Tooth (2021) - completed season 1. I had not idea what to expect. When this first became available (on Netflix) the thumbnail didn't interest me. It wasn't until my wife mentioned that a few of her coworkers had been talking about this and how much they liked it, that we decided to give it a try. It's a beautiful series, both in storytelling and cinematography. I really like it.


This week’s rotation included Radiohead, Hiperson, Rainer Maria, and Rilo Kiley.

[Single] "Revolving" by Tortuga Shades - I had this track on repeat a few times.  

[Podcast] Criminal: 48 Hours - This is straight up terrifying. 

[6/12] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


Unfortunately, nothing completed this week. I'm working my way through Viet Tranh Nguyen's The Sympathizer. Which, if the 1/3rd I have read is any indication, is an extraordinary read.


Raya and The Last Dragon (2021) - It's... a Disney movie. It follows the right formula for that. While I love the Asian characters (and voice actors), and I love the landscapes and world-building, I just wish there was more of that versus following the "Disney movie formula" (which is a generic story that we've seen a million times before).

Star Trek: The Original Series - currently at s1 e9. This series is, as the kids say, "thirsty". Or do they even say that anymore? You have to love the mix of sexuality, overacting, and outdated props and effects. And you have to love (and respect) the world, er... universe they have built for us to continue enjoying even in 2021.

Loki - currently at s1 e1. I'm burned out on Star Wars and Marvel material so I'm not exactly sure why I watched this (last night). I think it was out of boredom. I think it was overall a decent setup for wherever this series will take us but it didn't really grab me. Probably because I need a break from Marvel. A longer break.


This week’s rotation included Rilo Kiley, Radiohead, Japanese Breakfast, Hiperson, and The Mountain Goats.

[Single] “Boys at School” by Spellling - bring back the rock opera, all of them! 

[Podcast] No recommendations this week.

[6/5] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


Goodbye, again, by Jonny Sun - Like reading a beautifully written blog. But I loved reading as a book (versus scrolling through posts on a website). Jonny Sun writes like I hope to some day.


Tulsa: The Fire and the Forgotten (2021) - The more I learn about this event, the more angry I get. Not only because the event itself happened, but because it was covered up for so long, and that there’s still resistance to the truths coming out. I understand the natural instinct to hide something so horrific but this is far too important to keep hidden any longer (let alone go without taking actions to heal, repair, and teach). Also, history class would have been far more interesting to me if we covered just half of the events that our school texts omitted. 

The Donut King (2021) - I’ve heard the story of “Uncle Ted” before but really just about the donut shop businesses. Loved this deeper, personal perspective from he and his family. 

Kim's Convenience - completed season 5. Sheesh, that's how the series ends?!? This season opened up a lot of great storylines that, unfortunately, didn't have a chance to fully bloom. It was a really good season but the abruptness of the business decision to end the show definitely makes itself known within the show itself. I'm going to miss the characters, all of them.


This week’s rotation included Hiperson, Rilo Kiley, The Mountain Goats, Japanese Breakfast (new album!), and Radiohead.

[Single] "A Better Son/Daughter" by Rilo Kiley - This appeared in the shuffle playlist a few times and it constantly reminded me how good this track is.

[Podcast] Criminal: On Fire - I know I recommend this podcast a lot because it's a must-listen every week for me. This episode lead me to want to read more about it (I checked the book out from the library) to learn more about why the people did what they chose to do. It's strange, the things we do "for love".

Fresh eggs!

Fresh eggs!

One of my favorite things to hear is "I have extra eggs from my chickens at home" because it's usually followed with an offer for free eggs. And free eggs is a pretty sweet deal.

I was so happy when my wife came home with these, gifted to us by one of her officemates. I suppose there is some advantage to returning to the offices (after a year+ of working remotely).

[5/29] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


The Art of Noticing, by Rob Walker - a reread for some inspiration. there are some really good exercises to re-train your mind on paying attention to what is around you.


Amy Tan, Unintended Memoir (2021) - what a fascinating life. The sadness and darkness of her childhood, and how she was able to accomplish what she has…

High on the Hog - completed season 1. This is not another food travel show. This is an education. And it should be a mandatory watch.

Back to the Future II (1989) - a re watch, as I saw it in my recommendations on Netflix. My favorite part of this is Michael J. Fox's portrayal of the different characters, especially his children.

Back to the Future III (1990) - Because you have to watch III right after II. They work as one big movie (instead of two parts). My favorite thing about this movie is Thomas Wilson's portrayal of Buford Tannen.


This week’s rotation included Hiperson (“Bildungsroman” is a great album!), Japanese Breakfast, Radiohead, Rilo Kiley, The Mountain Goats, and The Linda Lindas.

[Single] "Be Sweet" by Japanese Breakfast - The more i hear it, the more I like this single. It's been on repeat in my head all week.

[Podcast] Hidden Brain: Tribes and Traitors - I do not understand fully understand nor have “a take” on the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. i do know that what is happening is horrifying and very sad. This episode, a repeat from a previous airing, is eye-opening.


Northgard - I increased the difficulty level and I'm getting mixed results, which is a generous way of saying that I'm losing far more than I'm winning.

[5/22] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


I finished Lisa See's The Island of Sea Women. It's good and I recommend to those who enjoy historical fiction. I do like the author's choice of giving us historical events through the eyes of a decades-long turbulent friendship.

Shortcomings, by Adrian Tomine - a graphic novel that asks how much race, politics, and other societal issues actually play into our personal relationships and their... well, shortcomings. This is a good one and HIGHLY recommended.


Hoarders - currently at s11 e5. I’m not sure why I started watching this show again (stopped a few years back). I hit “Play” on Netflix and it started me on the 11th season. This is such a deeply, guilty pleasure. It’s exploitive and I feel bad for taking part of it but, I can’t help but feel very drawn in and empathetic to the trauma that these people, with hoarding disorder, are going through. I did stop here because I need a break from the drama.

Stowaway (2021) - Great acting (which you would expect from Daniel Dae Kim, Toni Collette, and Anna Kendrick) aside, I... have questions. I (think I) understand the point of the movie and the directive choices made but, there are so many plot holes. For starters, how are there not more redundant systems for such a long journey?


This week’s rotation included Smashing Pumpkins, Def Leppard, Tool, Suicidal Tendencies, Megadeth, Rage Against the Machine, and Yo-Yo Ma.

[Single] Beautiful World, by Parannoul - Oh, just inject this into my veins!

[Podcast] Criminal: Unfit - *shudder*. Just another episode proving how arcane and absolutely wrong we humans can be to one another. 

Sunday morning bagel

a picture of an everything bagel topped with smoked salmon, cream cheese, and capers.
A favorite breakfast of mine, though I was out of tomato and red onion

I learned about Better half Bagel via Instagram, last week. It intrigued me. I haven't been on an intensive search for a good bagel since the pandemic began but, prior to I was always on the lookout for good bagel options in the area.

The photos (on Instagram) looked promising. Enough to make me follow the account. Ordering opened up on Thursday morning, pickup was this morning, Sunday.

a picture of a white oval plate with different kinds of bagels stacked on it.
More to enjoy throughout the week

They were great! I indulged in a sesame and an everything bagel and though I regretted having two, I didn't regret how great they tasted. The outside was nice and "crusty" while the inside pillowy and chewy.

I'll definitely be ordering again soon.

[5/15] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


It really bothers me that I don't have anything to add here. Definitely something to remedy for next week.


The Mitchells vs. The Machines (2021) - This was a very fun and funny movie with a unique animation style (brought to us by the same animators behind Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse). While there isn’t anything new or groundbreaking with the story or plot, I loved that the overall message of embracing the “weirdness” that all of us have. 

Star Trek: The One With the whales - kidding, of course. The Voyage Home is one of my favorites because it’s light-hearted and funny, letting us see favorite characters in a more relaxed and casual state. I fully enjoyed this rewatch, which also occurred mid-week and was a nice break from, well... reality.   


This week’s rotation included Amy Winehouse, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Tank and the Bangas, Japanese Breakfast, Mitski, and Rachael Yamagata.

[Single] Crashing Into Daylight, by Hiperson - I keep coming back to this and eventually bought the album, "Bildungsroman". I like it, even though I have no idea what is being sung (I’m getting mixed results when trying to translate the lyrics). You can stream the album on Youtube. It’s really good. 

[Podcast] Hidden Brain: The Fake Bride - this story is f*cked up.

Saturday garden update

One of my first thoughts, this morning upon waking up, was that I needed to water the lawn.

The lawn, heh heh. It's technically a lawn, though it's just a 7 X 7 foot patch in my yard. It's a nice soft patch for my cat to enjoy, and it softens the harsh light and heat that bounced off of the plain white rock that we replaced.

There are a few dead spots in the grass, and I'm not sure what is causing them. I recently fertilized to see fi that would help, and I am starting to see some new growth. I'm worried that those dead spots might spread, though I don't even know why they would (or wouldn't).

Overall, I think things are looking good. All of the plants are green and most of them flowering. The cilantro is tall (I didn't realize how tall it grows) and flowering, and I might have to get some more starts because I need more of the "younger" leaves and stems for cooking.

I love the green onion bloom; it's pretty how their blooms develop at the very top of the stalk. The tomatoes are dominating their planter and soon I'll have to train them more to weave through the cages and the latticework. And the Japanese eggplant is outgrowing its temporary pot, and I made a metal note to make that transfer next weekend.

[5/8] Recently Read, Watched, and Listened


The Island of Sea Women, by Lisa See - I'm close to finishing this one. It’s similar to Sumi Hahn’s The Mermaid From Jeju in setting and pacing but i liked this unique story about family and life. My love of stories set in Korea, and specifically on Jeju island, is growing exponentially. 


Shrill - currently at s1 e3. Aidy Bryant is hilarious. This is a good show!

Solar Opposites - completed season 2. This is much smarter than I first judged it to be, especially with the subplot occurring amongst the wall people. I do like Korvo’s rants at the beginning of each show (during the intro). 

The Office: Superfan Episodes - completed watching all of the “Superfan Episodes” on Peacock. There are some really funny scenes that were cut out of the original air, which is too bad. But, for the most part, there’s a lot that is “cringe” and that ultimately, cutting the majority of these scenes out was the right choice. 

Napoleon Dynamite (2004) - I was thinking about the awkwardness of Napoleon and his brother, and thought it would be fun to rewatch this movie. Still funny; I laughed a lot, and it was needed. I like how the whole movie just embraces the awkwardness, everything from the setting to the pacing to the characters.


This week’s rotation included BTS, Rush, The Black Crowes, Def Leppard, Tool, and Audioslave.

[Single] "Serotonin" by girl in red - I learned about this one from a Song Exploder episode. I think it's significant not only having been written during the pandemic (and can be attributed to the overall mental health issues during it) but, also having been derived from a TikTok sketch, which is truly a sign of the times.

[Podcast] This Is Love: On the Way to Dinner - This episode elicited a lot of feelings in me, having been abandoned and adopted. While overall heartwarming, a lot of really generous people (namely, the judge) made some extraordinary (i.e. not normal) decisions to make this occur. And while those decisions are kind and generous, they’re not the norm for the system, which is disheartening. 


R-Type Final 2 - this game is beautiful and difficult and I love it.

Northgard - I bumped up the difficulty level and I haven't won a game since. I have to really figure out my strategy here.