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Saturday garden update

One of my first thoughts, this morning upon waking up, was that I needed to water the lawn.

The lawn, heh heh. It's technically a lawn, though it's just a 7 X 7 foot patch in my yard. It's a nice soft patch for my cat to enjoy, and it softens the harsh light and heat that bounced off of the plain white rock that we replaced.

There are a few dead spots in the grass, and I'm not sure what is causing them. I recently fertilized to see fi that would help, and I am starting to see some new growth. I'm worried that those dead spots might spread, though I don't even know why they would (or wouldn't).

Overall, I think things are looking good. All of the plants are green and most of them flowering. The cilantro is tall (I didn't realize how tall it grows) and flowering, and I might have to get some more starts because I need more of the "younger" leaves and stems for cooking.

I love the green onion bloom; it's pretty how their blooms develop at the very top of the stalk. The tomatoes are dominating their planter and soon I'll have to train them more to weave through the cages and the latticework. And the Japanese eggplant is outgrowing its temporary pot, and I made a metal note to make that transfer next weekend.

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