Air and Space

Clipper Flying Cloud

Mary Oliver on regret and creativity

The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.
I saw this quote, by Mary Oliver, on Brain Pickings. It rang true and, is something that I'll be thinking about through the weekend.

#WMATA train meltdown means Uber home, just in time to catch the sunset.

Five things for the week

  1. Long week... steep hill to climb... must keep trying.
  2. Watching first games of the Dodgers v Nationals series tells me who I'm a fan of (Dodgers) but, have to admit, I find myself somewhat cheering for the Nationals, too. I'm fine being a fan of both teams until they play each other. Then, it's Go Blue!
  3. Same for the Galaxy and DC United, with LA always taking the higher priority.
  4. I need to create more than I consume.
  5. Rachael Yamagata, "Over".

Five things for the week

  1. Attention to detail. Devil in the details...
  2. Looking ahead to the rest of this month and, I'm in for a very busy month.
  3. Looking ahead at 2017 and, I'm in for a very busy year.
  4. Kweku Collins, "The Outsiders".
  5. I need to stop trying to find a "system" and just establish a routine.


Five things for the week

  1. As I'm writing this, it's "update Sunday".Running OS software updates on iPad, iPhone, PC, iMac, firmware updates on the XT1, X100T, and a few lenses. Also, running individual software updates programs.
  2. Also, it's "sports Sunday". I have soccer, football, and baseball streaming on different screens. Ah, technology.
  3. Regina Spektor's "Older and Taller".
  4. The beginning part of the week was spent working with colleagues in Iowa... lots of work accomplished, and a lot more for them to follow up on. I wrote a lot of notes to make my next visit (to my next Program) easier. I just need time to organize and digest those notes.
  5. Setting up regular grocery orders (online), for either delivery or pickup, has helped us make good strides in eating/cooking at home more often. It takes a lot of the decision and guesswork out of shopping, making it automatic. Simple.

Landing soon

Windy City view

Kung bao chicken

Five things for the week

  1. 23 years old = ENTP. 39 years old = INTP.
  2. One less decision (automating): I setup a recurring grocery order (delivery) to include the staples. This helps make sure our kitchen is always stocked and ready, and I'm less likely to fall back on ordering out.
  3. Some good music this week. Namely,
    1. King Creosote, "You just want".
    2. Hotels, "Linnette".
    3. Walk off the Earth's cover of "Closer".
    4. Pentatonix and Dolly Parton's acapella rendition of "Jolene".
  4. Finally found some good falafel (at Yafa Grille). This will bide some time until I can find even better. It exists, I swear!
  5. Feeling motivated... again.

My poor, neglected creative side

[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500”]Seen on my train window Seen on my train window, this morning[/caption]

My poor, neglected creative side. Photographs so dull because they are only taken out of convenience (and a false sense of “of course they’ll find this interesting!"). Blog posts written with inconsistency in frequency and quality (“of course they’ll find this interesting!"). Empty promises, resolves, and resolutions to “get things done”… it all stacks up.

Just what are we doing here. Just what are you creating? Is it worthwhile? Nope…

Will that change?

Seen on my train window, this morning

The laugh at the beginning

“No, really! I did the laugh at the beginning!”

“Nah, that can’t be you.”

“That’s me! You hear me right before the song starts!”

“You’re saying that you’re the laugh at the beginning of ‘Hungry Like the Wolf’?!”


“Nah, I don’t think so.”

“Yes, really. Listen,” laughs

“Hm… close but it’s not the same laugh. It sounds like you’re just imitating the laugh.”

“No, it’s my laugh. Listen again,” laughs “See? It’s me!”

“Nah. I still don’t believe it.”

Death Star or #WMATA station?



  1. Biggest (most important) immediate improvement I need to make? Drink more water.
  2. Rachael Yamagata: Over.
  3. Windows Powershell: must learn more!
  4. Standing desk (at work) is complete! Now, let's do work!
  5. Adulting... House. Kids. Work...


  1. Girl on Metro reading email (or text) on her phone She shakes her head in dismay, and it evolves into a face palm. Feel for her. We've all been on the sending and the receiving end of those.


  1. Discipline, priorities, good habits... all needed.
  2. Surfside for lunch. So good! Made my day.
  3. Angelica Garcia: Orange Flower.
  4. I can do more. Want?
  5. WMATA: police in news for helping terrorists. Derailment due to severe maintenance neglect. Scary stuff.


  1. We need a movie with Carol Kane and Cyndi Lauper playing mother and daughter.


  1. I ate a black licorice Jelly Belly and I didn't die (I can't stand them). Still not good but, a little more tolerable this time around.
  2. Get your head straight! 6 weeks to do so.
  3. Pomodoro... worth a try.


  1. The problem isn't tech, it's users. Not by fault or intention but by learning method, ability, and style.
  2. Usually light crowd on train (AM commute) for a Friday is completely out the window today. Jam packed. Ugh.