Movie Review: Godzilla (2014)

After the 1998 (American) “reboot”, I was really turned off from watching anything that wasn’t a Japanese release of the series. But, last night, I was very pleasantly surprised with Godzilla (2014). I felt that it was even one of the better films of the entire series.

Three reasons:

  1. The characters: Wow, far better acting and character development than one would expect.
  2. The story: it had one! And the way it was built was perfectly entertaining.
  3. The visuals: every shot was engrossing and kept drawing the viewer more and more into the story itself.

Movie Review: Ocean Heaven

Ocean Heaven (also known as Ocean Paradise) has been in my Netflix queue for a while. Jet Li has always been one of my favorites and it was interesting to see him in a modern, dramatic role. I think he did very well with the character.

The story, and some of the issues it brings to light, hit home for me as they’re things that I encounter through my day job. There are a lot of stories like this, taking place all over the world. I especially love that this movie came from China, where people with Intellectual Disabilities used to be hidden.

Movie Review: Ocean Heaven

Ocean Heaven (also known as Ocean Paradise) has been in my Netflix queue for a while. Jet Li has always been one of my favorites and it was interesting to see him in a modern, dramatic role. I think he did very well with the character.

The story, and some of the issues it brings to light, hit home for me as they’re things that I encounter through my day job. There are a lot of stories like this, taking place all over the world. I especially love that this movie came from China, where people with Intellectual Disabilities used to be hidden.



I love this.

Movie Review: The Warrior

I finally got around to watching “The Warrior" (also known as "Musa" and "Musa: The Warrior"). It’s been so long since I’ve had a chance to watch any Korean movies. This one was a good reminder of why I love them so much.

I love the sheer emotion and suffering that most Korean movies build into their characters. At times, it boarders on the over-dramatic much like soap operas do. But, with the epic-like saga and primitive backdrop of war, the pain and suffering of each character seems to fit right in.

Movie Review: The Warrior

I finally got around to watching “The Warrior" (also known as "Musa" and "Musa: The Warrior"). It’s been so long since I’ve had a chance to watch any Korean movies. This one was a good reminder of why I love them so much.

I love the sheer emotion and suffering that most Korean movies build into their characters. At times, it boarders on the over-dramatic much like soap operas do. But, with the epic-like saga and primitive backdrop of war, the pain and suffering of each character seems to fit right in.


From Emily Graslie: “My feelings about some of the major issues women face in science, wrapped up in one spoken word poem.

The Brain Scoop is one of my favorite things on the internet. Partly because of her enthusiasm and sheer brilliance but mostly because I get to learn something new with each visit. 

And Emily, through her journey further and further into the public eye, handles herself just as I would expect her to. With her wit, intelligence, and sheer passion for what she does and who she is. 

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
 George A. Moore

Luca knows heart

The worst possible ending to a saga that we LA Galaxy fans have followed all season.

AJ De La Garza is one of my favorites. His determination, passion, and work ethic embody everything I love about good soccer players. And, being a fan, I found myself caught up in watching he and his family work through this.

Here’s the LA Galaxy story and, the De La Garza blog, for more background on #LucaKnowsHeart.

Luca Knows Heart, LA Galaxy fans

The worst possible ending to a saga that we LA Galaxy fans have followed all season.

AJ De La Garza is one of my favorites. His determination, passion, and work ethic embody everything I love about good soccer players. And, being a fan, I found myself caught up in watching he and his family work through this.

Here’s the LA Galaxy story and, the De La Garza blog, for more background on #LucaKnowsHeart.

If you understand everything, you must be misinformed.
Japanese proverb

We’re great and you suck.
We’re great and you suck.
We’re great and you suck.
Okay, full disclosure we’re not all that great
But, you still suck.
Sports Song, by Weird Al Yankovic

Late night thoughts on social media while my cat plays with her own tail, at my feet

What if I took the time and wrote a comment on everything instead of continually taking the “easy way out” by clicking “Like” or “Favorite”? What if I made that my own personal policy for every social network that I am on? 

After reading this, by Mat Honan and then, reading this, by Elan Morgan, I started to scrutinize my own social media accounts. This lead to re-evaluating contact lists, wavering back and forth on whether to continue posting or not, determining if I needed all new social accounts altogether, and hovering (many times) the mouse pointer over the “delete account” option. 

And, of course, the introvert in me wants to turn everything as private as possible, not post anything, and “lurk” by watching all of you post while I don’t comment, like, or favorite at all. 

I like the idea of doing that. 


But, as we all seem more and more reluctant to admit, the true lesson to be learned is simply: go outside more. Socialize, in person, with people. And, ensure that there are no LED screens in the vicinity. 

I like the idea of doing that. 


Oh, and in case you were wondering, my cat’s tail seems to have won whatever game they were playing. 

Essentialism... you're doing it wrong

Ok, so I don’t think I need a laptop anymore. Paired with the bluetooth keyboard, the tablet should work just fine for my needs. I can get by with just this and the smartphone. Or…

What if I kept the laptop and ditched the tablet? That makes more sense. I can get more done on the laptop and use the smartphone on the go. No need for the tablet. It’s kind of a wasted in-between device. Yeah, let’s do that.

But, sometimes I travel and don’t want to take a laptop. Ok, the tablet would come in very handy there. But, then again, sometimes I want the laptop because I can get more done with that.

And the smartphone is non-negotiable. No way I’ll ditch that…

Though, I could downgrade to a pre-paid voice only phone and just carry the tablet. Nah, too big. But, during travel, that could work.

Sometimes I need a Windows machine and an iOS machine. So what about…

*cue explosion ala Monte Python style-skit*

Essentialism, you're doing it wrong

Ok, so I don’t think I need a laptop anymore. Paired with the bluetooth keyboard, the tablet should work just fine for my needs. I can get by with just this and the smartphone. Or…

What if I kept the laptop and ditched the tablet? That makes more sense. I can get more done on the laptop and use the smartphone on the go. No need for the tablet. It’s kind of a wasted in-between device. Yeah, let’s do that.

But, sometimes I travel and don’t want to take a laptop. Ok, the tablet would come in very handy there. But, then again, sometimes I want the laptop because I can get more done with that.

And the smartphone is non-negotiable. No way I’ll ditch that…

Though, I could downgrade to a pre-paid voice only phone and just carry the tablet. Nah, too big. But, during travel, that could work.

Sometimes I need a Windows machine and an iOS machine. So what about…

*cue explosion ala Monte Python style-skit*

10 Stunning Writing Studios


10 Stunning Writing Studios


Haunting, sensual… amazing. 

I have more nervous ticks than a lyme disease research center.
Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

[vimeo 102051605 w=500 h=281]

Enter Pyongyang

We are obligated to the battle but not entitled to the fruits.
Bhagavad Gita


Great animated short. Loved this!


Today’s daily cartoon by Farley Katz.

Yes. This.

thankfully three months

14373344150_b3141e1db9“Let’s do 3 months. I’m sure you’re sick of me.”

We both chuckled. Then sighed.

It could be worse (it could always be worse). I’ve seen the doctor every other week for the past few months. In all honesty I would like to say that it’s nothing too serious. But, that’s the reason why there are multiple visits; we’re trying to figure it out. Between trips to her office, the blood labs, the ultrasounds and MRI/MRA, I’ve seen and spent more on healthcare these past few months than I have in the past five years… combined.

And, for someone who abhors going to a doctor, of any kind, this has been nerve-wracking. To say the least.

She know’s I’ve been on edge. She’s been great about it, taking time to explain and answer any questions. Probably the best general physician that I’ve ever had. I definitely feel like a person versus a chart with a number, which is how I felt with every other doctor.

So, after scheduling my next appointment (three months from now), I thanked her. And, though things still need to be identified and figured out, I am thankful.

"Let’s do 3 months. I’m sure you’re sick of me."

We both chuckled. Then sighed.

It could be worse (it could always be worse). I’ve seen the doctor every other week for the past few months. In all honesty I would like to say that it’s nothing too serious. But, that’s the reason why there are multiple visits; we’re trying to figure it out. Between trips to her office, the blood labs, the ultrasounds and MRI/MRA, I’ve seen and spent more on healthcare these past few months than I have in the past five years… combined.

And, for someone who abhors going to a doctor, of any kind, this has been nerve-wracking. To say the least.

She know’s I’ve been on edge. She’s been great about it, taking time to explain and answer any questions. Probably the best general physician that I’ve ever had. I definitely feel like a person versus a chart with a number, which is how I felt with every other doctor.

So, after scheduling my next appointment (three months from now), I thanked her. And, though things still need to be identified and figured out, I am thankful.