Day 11: Hygge 📷

a black and white picture of a cat curled into a ball, with her eyes covered by a paw, napping.

Demonstrated as only a cat can.

Day 10: Bridges 📷

a picture of Hetch Hetchy dam, in Yosemite National Park. Pedestrians can walk across the top of the dam, lie a bridge, to a tunnel, which then leads to hiking trails.

Day 9: Safe 📷

a picture of a rocky trail heading uphill

Be safe on those rocky trails, both uphill and coming back again (downhill)!

Day 8: Twilight 📷

a picture taken atr twilight, with dark clouds in the sky and a pink-red glos on the horizon where the sun has passed. In the foreground you can make out a quiet neighborhood street, with a park on the far side.

Day 7: Spice 📷

a picture of a spoonful of Lao Gan Ma's chili crisp, resting on a cutting board

I use an (almost) embarrassing amount of Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp, regularly.

Day 6: Street 📷

a black and white picture of a busy street in San Francisco. There are three lanes of cars stopped, and facing forward. The sidewalk, to the far left of the frame, has pedestrians moving to and from.

Been revisiting some old photos for a possible (printed!) photo book, and decided to re-edit this one (from 2006) for today’s theme.

Day 4: Sharp 📷

Day 3: Majority 📷

Day 2: Dark 📷

Day 1: Touch 📷

a black and white picture of fingers resting on typewriter keys