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Weekend things

On Saturday morning I woke already looking forward to breakfast, even though we planned it to be simple. What I didn’t plan was to get right to the weekend’s chores immediately afterwards.

As soon as I cleared my dishes from the table I was outside watering the garden, which lead to me straightening up and even doing a little sweeping, which lead to taking apart the front part of the grill to replace the broken (electrical) lighter. That then lead to giving the grill a pretty decent cleaning.

Meanwhile, my wife began taking apart the kitchen and diving into the reorganizing/downsizing that we had been talking about. So much unused, and now bad food items hidden in the depths of our pantry, baking, and spice cabinets. So many unused “gadgets” and so many things we even forgot that we had.

Our “chore paths” eventually merged and we found ourselves working on the kitchen until lunch. “What?!? We just ate breakfast!” it seemed.

The afternoon slowed, though I puttered around the office still working along the “organizing” front. Soon we found ourself unwinding in front of the TV, laughing out loud while watching “Hacks”.

Sunday morning, we found ourselves running errands after breakfast and watching some utterly incompetent people attempt to move their cars through parking lots. I’m still not sure how some people manage to get their driver’s licenses.

I then spent the afternoon writing, catching up on a couple podcasts, and getting (mentally) prepared for the week.

I keep thinking about how much more I want to get rid of (i.e., donate, sell, discard) and while I’m glad that I am pacing myself (at least feel like I am), I can feel myself getting increasingly anxious about losing motivation and momentum.

Empty space is literally being created by this process and, as intended, it is starting to (positively) affect my mind. But there’s the constant tendency to try to fill that space rather than let it sit, and fending off that tendency takes a lot of energy.

Weekend’s misc.

  • Pro tip: move your applications towards the top of the screen when working on your computer. It will help raise your eye-line and help to reduce the strain on your neck.
  • I recently joined the “large text club”, bumping up the text size on my smartphone and eReader. And you know what? So happy I did so.

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