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30 Days of Gratitude: Day 26

What's one thing that would make you happy today? If you can, do it.

I went for a drive, today. It’s been a while since I drove around for the sake of driving around. This was a good, relaxing experience as I got to roam around the streets and neighborhoods of Sacramento while listening to music as my phone (played through my car) shuffled through my music library.

It’s a chance to explore some new areas and make mental notes of places that I want to learn more about, even planning to visit them in the near future. It’s also an excuse to roam around side streets and make random turns into places that you wouldn’t normally see when traveling from one point to another.

And it was good to just let the music play, even rediscovering some songs that are in my library but that I haven’t heard in a while.

The “30 Days of Gratitude challenge” prompts are from Screen/Life Balance and author Catherine Price.

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