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30 Days of Gratitude: Day 25

Write about something that happened in your day that left you feeling satisfied.

After work, I started work on some code (part of my final project for a class). The plan was just to get some lines and a basic outline written so that I could come back to it later this week, when I felt like I had more time concentrate on it.

Before I knew it, a couple hours had passed and I found myself with a completed (working) application. Most of my time was spent debugging existing code and trying to find ways to make it all more efficient.

It felt good to finish what I had planned to take most of the week (before the holiday). I don’t have to open any code for the remainder of this week, unless I want to get ahead for next week.

The “30 Days of Gratitude challenge” prompts are from Screen/Life Balance and author Catherine Price.

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