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30 Days of Gratitude: Day 4

Today, write down a list of activities that make you happy.

Activities that make me happy, that I do on a regular basis:

  • Make and eat a good breakfast (my favorite meal of the day).
  • Reading and viewing photojournalism blogs
  • Listening to music
  • Helping others

Three activities that make me happy, that I plan to do this week:

  • Photowalks
  • Playing video games
  • Reading (fiction)

Other activities that make me happy, that I will try to incorporate more in my life:

  • Photography
  • Road trips
  • Hiking
  • Spending time with friends
  • Writing/blogging
  • Cooking

Note: This exercise showed me that I need to do some "discovery" work to find (and do) more activities that make me happy. It was difficult for me to come up with what I did.

These we the instructions for the exercise, from Screen/Life Balance:

Once you've finished your list, put a checkmark next to the activities that you do on a regular basis. How could you incorporate some of the others more frequently into your daily life? What are three activities from the list that you could make a plan to do this week? (Once you choose them, put them on your calendar!)

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