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Five things for the week


Self-Care Sundays

I'm increasingly creating a routine that ends up with Sunday's focus on my own rest, healing, health, and overall mental state in preparation for the coming week. This comes in the form of things like

  • Personal grooming
  • Spending the mornings reading and writing
  • Eating without guilt, yet still healthy and in moderation
  • Playing on the Nintendo Switch

And, really, anything else that I want to do. The goal being that it's a day that belongs to me, and shouldn't be governed by stress or work/school to do lists, or any other obligations that I do not whole-heartedly endorse.

To achieve this, I have had to make routine adjustments leading into Sundays in order to keep them clear. A lot of these adjustments can be chalked up to simply reducing the amount of procrastinating that I do.


We spent yesterday in the Sierras. The fresh mountain air, the perfect morning temperature, the relaxing open-air train ride through the trees... it was all so perfect. Midway through I put my camera back into the bag and just sat and enjoyed it all.



I'm not an Angels fan but, the passing of Tyler Skaggs is a story that I have followed this week. This picture of his mother on the pitcher's mound, and tweet thread really hit me.


I'm going to start taking it more seriously. This, of course, can mean a lot of things. But, the only thing I want to say here is that, well... I'm going to start taking it more seriously.


I purchased this camera sling bag and tried it out this weekend. It's perfect for the new camera. I love that it's small enough to be comfortable (it's very light) yet, still can hold what I need it to hold. Makes me happy. And appreciative.

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