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Weekend Getaway - Ventura, CA

It's been far too long since my wife and I have had a chance to go out of town for the weekend. We knew it, and we knew that we were in complete control of when we would be able to. So, we made it happen this past weekend, opting to travel to my old hometown, Ventura.

Ventura feels like home, even though I didn't grow up there. I grew up about 23 miles away. I was fortunate to have lived in Ventura for a few years, but I chose to move away in pursuit of some difficult to pass on career choices.

We spent the weekend doing what everyone should do on their vacation: absolutely nothing. We woke up when we wanted. We ate when we were hungry. We wandered around with no schedule or agenda.

Slow down. Live in the moment. Empty our minds. De-stress. It was amazing.

I didn't even take my camera (all of these pics were taken with my phone). I knew that I didn't want to take anything extra with me. And I also didn't want to "think" about photography.

And, of course, I had to get at least one meal in at Taqueria Cuernavaca, one of my top 5 favorite restaurants anywhere.

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