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Five things for the week


1. Vegetables

There is a simmering movement towards eating more plant-based foods and we are not exempt from this. I love meat but, lately I find myself craving more vegetable-heavy plates and recipes. I'm not sure what has started this. As a result, I find myself learning new recipes and cooking methods. Though, I still will most likely lean on grilling as my preferred cooking method, especially during the Summer.

2. Habits

I wrote a list of three habits that I want to stop. I then wrote a list of three habits that I would like to replace them with. This coming week, I will focus on ceasing one and starting its replacement. I think trying to tackle all three simultaneously will be too tough.

3. Read

I found out Nazi money is behind my favorite coffee. Should I keep drinking it? - Large corporations built by Nazis, who own and operate multiple brands, including a bagel chain. What a world.

Too Many People Want to Travel - Though I don't travel nearly as much as I did a few years ago, I would notice how disrespectful we travelers were to the places we were guests at. I can't imagine how much worse the more touristy areas are. I can't imagine a shipload of people pouring out into the streets of a small coastal town. That sounds like a nightmare to me.

‘Great Successor’ book excerpt: Kim Jong Un’s gilded boyhood of chefs, travel and lessons on ruthless rule - I may buy this book. I have some "tempered curiosity" about his life, wondering how much of this is real. The excerpt worked, though. Curiosity is piqued.

4. Watched

Captain Marvel - We finally got around to seeing this. My superhero movie fatigue is still pretty strong. Sure, this had some fun moments but, all said and done, it was like the others. Same story and plot arch that these comic book movies have.

United Shades of America S4, E5 - The Real DC. I really wish that during my time there, I had spent more time getting to know "the real DC". I had moments and experiences that I stumbled into but, not nearly enough to be memorable. Just enough to know that what we think DC to be is really not what it is. I loved this episode, peeling back some of those layers.

5. Listened

Criminal, "Jessica and the Bunny Ranch" - I found this fascinating if only to remind myself that there is a whole world of things out there that 1) I don't think about all the time and 2) that I don't ever see myself being involved in, ever. Yet it's out there and it's happening. It has its own set of rules, etiquette, cultural issues and norms, and more.

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