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Treat yo self!


When I realized that my Friday was “light”, with no meetings, phone calls, or deadlines, I immediately started thinking about things I should do for myself. You know, Treat yo self!

Tom and Donna, characters from Parks and Recreation, have a designated day they call “Treat yo self!” Where they splurge and spend the whole day pampering themselves.

I don’t anticipate my Friday being that indulgent. I started off with one of my favorite breakfasts (photo above), jetting over to Davis, CA to Solomons Deli. It’s pretty much the best start of the day that I could imagine.

I also have some errands lined up to take care of things that I have been wanting/needing to for some time now. One of them is replacing the battery in one of my favorite watches.

All in all, I think most of my time will just end up with me driving around the area for most of the day. I have an actual camera with me so, who knows what the rest of the day will bring.

Enjoy your weekend!

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