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I have three books checked out from the library, all sitting in Libby (on my iPad). My intent was to get through them while traveling but, I didn't even open the app once. I think I just needed to zone out during my downtime, this week. Because they're on deadline (need to be returned) I plan to get through them this week.


Watership Down - I caved and watched the rest of the BBC/Netflix version. Meh. If you haven't already, please read the book (I plan to reread it soon). This was far too washed out in both the storytelling and the imagery. Maybe it's just me but, this needs to be DARK. Like, seriously not for children dark. And any remake (from the 1978 version) should be far darker than this was.

//I had a lot of time on a plane this week and was able to get in a lot of movies.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Say what you will about this franchise, I liked this. Yeah, there were a ton of things that we could point out as wrong, lame, etc. but, it's a freakin' movie about dinosaurs being created to serve mankind. My lord.

Equalizer 2 - Ugh, sequels. It was okay but, they should have left the first one as a standalone. I do like seeing Denzel in this Man On Fire/Equalizer type role. I also need a movie where Denzel and Liam Neeson fight it out, either against or with each other.

Searching - It took me a little while to get into the storytelling method. There were times when I even found it annoying but, I get it. Digital communication runs our lives. I just don't see anyone using FaceTime as often as they do, here. It was a good watch, though. Also, yay! John Cho!

Tag - It was trying too hard to be funny and touching at the same time. Admittedly, there were a few scenes that hit those marks. Isla Fischer is hilarious. Every time I saw Jeremy Renner I would think to myself, "Why is Hawkeye doing this instead of helping out the rest of the Avengers?!?"

Ready Player One - The book, for what it was, was better. This was just a bunch of eye candy and nostalgia. It did make me want to watch The Iron Giant again.

Deadpool 2 - This is about the only comic book movie that I enjoy watching, mainly because they don't take themselves so seriously. I laughed during the whole movie.

Fyre Fraud - I spent this entire documentary angry at everyone involved in this sh*tshow. I don't care about the one's who were "innocent" in it. Y'all need to disappear.

Sex Education - I binged and enjoyed the whole series. It was a fun watch; screw the "controversy" about not being a true "UK school "experience". I need a backstory/origin episode on how Eric and Otis became friends. Maeve reminds me of a girl I crushed on in middle school. She also reminds me of Britta in Community.


//I had plenty of time for podcasts as well. Those long flights are, well... long.

NPR Life Kit - I downloaded and listened to all of the episodes in the four series. Not bad advice. It was enough to get me rethinking about each of the aspects (diet, exercise, saving, and investing).

The Big One - Being back in California (yay!) has rekindled my fascination with earthquakes. This is a very good podcast, and features Dr. Lucy Jones!

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