
Follow @ptrck on Micro.blog.

Recently read, watched, and listened


  • Lauren Hough's experience as a cable "guy".
  • NY Times' favorite 2018 Facts.
  • Some websites/articles/blog posts on technical writing, software testing, and user training methods.


Three episodes of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo - I find this fascinating. I don't get the controversy around it (it's really not that important, people. Chill). I understand her approach though, admittedly, its not for me. Plus, I kind of like just seeing other people's messes. This is why I love the show Hoarders so much.

Rewatched 6 episodes of The IT Crowd - this show is one of the few that is guaranteed to make me laugh, every single time.


In my effort to be productive upon my return to work, I have had my headphones in and relying on iTunes shuffle to do its magic. This week I "rediscovered" some Buddy Holly tracks, the Köln Concert, and Mala Rodriguez.

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