Took in a great tennis match on the last day of USA Games. Made me want to get back into playing again. #work #risewithus

When you celebrate the end of a long two weeks with some alone time, spring rolls, and spicy beef soup. Also, this place is called Pho Shizzle, and I can’t pass up a place with a name like that.

More views of screens and backs of peoples’ heads. #work #risewithus

Treat yo self.

Wishing I was back to where this was the view (taken last week).

A break in the action. #bocce #risewithus

Another venue ready. #2018USAGames

My work views are usually like this, a mix of screens and people looking at screens.

So, is this sign intended for service dogs only? The rules apply to service dogs only? Please advise.

These were absolutely delicious. It’s true that you don’t really know good produce until you taste some straight from a good, local farm. Once you taste a Rainer cherry from Washington, a strawberry from Oxnard (CA), a tomato from your own backyard, it’s hard to go back to supermarket stuff.

Things are getting real. #work

A troll. Under a bridge. Grabbing a VW bug. Because, Folsom/Seattle.

Knocking out some more work from a great cafe. Love the atmosphere, here.

South Korea’s win over Germany

I love love loved watching the ROK beat Germany. Loved it. They played so hard, with so much heart, knowing that odds were that they still wouldn’t make it though the group stages. I took a lot from this, specifically the reinforced lesson that you need to give it your all regardless of the outcome.

I started the morning watching both 7 AM (Pacific) World Cup matches, and training some email. I like these types of mornings, especially when traveling, as it gives me a chance to center.

Overall, not a bad day. I wasn’t happy that I was working today but, I also can’t remember the last time I did actually take a full day off of work on by birthday. It used to be nonnegotiable; I simply did not work on my birthday. Even if I had to burn a vacation day to do so. I do need to get back to that mindset. It’s my birthday present to myself and, for the past few years, I have not given myself anything.

The pic (above) is the building where I’ll be stationed for the next week. I’m excited to be a part of this event, working to make the system and the people around it successful. Seeing the signage and the activity of setup is very energizing.

Two World Cup matches and work, at 7am Pacific time. Not a bad morning. Go 🇰🇷❤️💙!

Lunch break

Just a gorgeous waterfall next to the staircase from the parking garage to the REI.

Cloud fields

When the clouds mimic the farmland below. I think this was taken somewhere over Ohio, as it was still early in the flight.

Today was a travel day, IAD>SEA. I’ll be spending the next couple of weeks here, supporting our system’s use during the Special Olympics USA Games.

When the clouds mimic the farmland below. (Think this is somewhere over Ohio?)

Five things for the week

Stress eating in the middle of the day

  1. It's time that I started to write and post more on this blog.
  2. I ate really poorly these past couple of weeks (as the picture of the pizza above, partly reflects). Most of it is due to stress eating and laziness (haven't cooked as much as I should have). There's a lot going on, all good, but it's all wearing me out every day, so quickly.
  3. Every decision I make, every action taken, is for health and happiness. I need to. I need to.
  4. Love/hate relationship with Instagram continues... Lord, it continues.
  5. Ezra Furman's "Love You So Bad" has a lot of familiarity to it. It's the kind of track that you might think you heard back in high school, almost a classic, that rings true with all of your youthful feelings of angst and teenage emotions.

Spiderwebs, in the neighbor’s tree, reveal themselves after a night of light rain.

Breakfast burrito colors. I have a new appreciation for pico de gallo. Now I want it on everything.

Pork Clouds.