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Five things for the week

  1. The lingering smoke, from the Camp Fire, caught up to me, putting me out of commission on Thursday and Friday.  Scratchy throat and itchy eyes, to say the least. The perspective? This is minor compared to what the fire victims are going through. 
  2. I've touched on this before but, my work is trending away from "mobile" and more towards desktop. I just like sitting down at a dedicated space, on a dedicated machine, to work. Ergonomics are better, too. (duh)
  3.  Though this week will be a short (work) week, it will be busy. As always, much to do. I'm gearing up for it. 
  4. We have been fine since reducing from two cars to one. Though, I find myself wanting a second one from time to time. Part of this is because it's comfort. Part because I have always had my own car up until this past Summer. Sometimes I do get a little stir crazy. This is the ultimate test in understanding a need versus a want
  5. I think about becoming more... public. You know, promoting the blog more often, changing social media settings from private to public, and engaging in more (online) conversations regularly. I can't quite put my finger on why but, there's something keeping me from doing so.And I'm fine with that, for now. 

//So sad that I don't really have a good photo to add to this post. I don't think I picked up my camera once, this past week. That's just not good. 

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