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Five things for the week

More life goals

  1. We spent this afternoon at a 3 year old birthday part for my friend/coworker's son. It was nice to be out and socializing even if it was hot out.
  2. I have to rethink the pay I embed photos into my posts, here. I currently embed from Flickr but, am starting too get a little shaky about it. What happens if Flickr goes away (or i stop using it) for some reason? So many blog posts with no photos properly mapped...
  3. Slightly related to above: I need to rethink my blog. I want to make it a central hub for everything, that then shares out to different places. I also am considering self-hosting (instead of wordpress.com). I also have this weird thought of "do I really need a blog?" festering in the back of my mind.
  4. This is going to be a very busy month. I don't expect much travel, just a lot of work.
  5. Finished The Hundred Year Flood by Matthew Salesses. I enjoyed it and confidently recommend it to you (reader). I have liked all of Matthew's works (that I have read) so far. He's a really good storyteller.

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