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Five things for the week

Viewing the mosque from the bus

  1. I forget how much I love my music collection. I'm only reminded of this when I'm able to allow the songs to shuffle for long periods of time. I need to find ways to do this more often.
  2. I'm "slow-reading" (restricting myself to focus on 1-3 passages at a time) both The Way of Korean Zen, by Kusan Sunim and Ursula Le Guin's translation of the Tao Te Ching. The intent is to slow my mind and focus on meaning (value).
  3. To counterbalance "mindless internet surfing", I have done a few things:
    • Self-imposed restriction of not using iPad in my bedroom, just the Kindle. Read more!
    • Subscribed to email newsletters from content that I want to keep up with. This way I can peruse through email (as I'm used to) instead of reading through every feed and post to get what I want. This means less reliance on social media feeds.
    • Deleted apps on devices. All of those "time sucks" are gone!
  4. I splurged on some early birthday gifts for myself. I'm really excited about this and this. I will never grow up. And, I bought some whiskey, which I cannot wait to drink out of these.
  5. I will never grow up.

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