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Daily Prompt: Infinite


We’re more excited about moving into this place than the first place we owned (in 2010). I think it’s because this time, we really want to establish some roots. Looking back at the ten years of our marriage, we’ve moved five times. Five!

This place is going to be ours. We’re definitely going to make it so. We have big plans for each room. Not concrete, mind you, but big. A kitchen that becomes the center of making incredible creations. A dining room central to our home and family, setup for cozy breakfasts and hosting diner parties.

Do we setup the living room to look like a catalog? Do we set it more so to be functional? Where will we be spending most of our time, there or downstairs in the rec room.

Ah, the rec room. Game/puzzle table, reclining sofas, big screen tv with all of the necessities for streaming movies, playing video games…. straight up lounging. Sound system. Office/workspace. Even a workout area (I want an elliptical).

Four bathrooms (two of them half), each decorated with a different theme. Which themes? To be determined.

Guest bedroom, setup and decorated to reflect our love of travel.

Kid’s room, to be filled later.

Master bedroom, setup as our sanctuary. Our place to relax, escape, and restore.

So many details and combinations of details to figure out. All will take time. All will change a few times over the course of setting these things up.

But, possibilities…. infinite.

via Daily Prompt: Infinite

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