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The shake up

On Monday, I start my new position as Senior Manager, Program Technologies for Special Olympics, Inc. The possibility of this happening has been in discussion for a while now, dating back to when I first became involved with supporting some of our World and National events, in 2011. But, even with all of the talk, the position wasn’t created until just recently. 

And then, once created, everything happened so quickly. So, so quickly. 

I’m looking forward to this for many reasons, like: 

  • An opportunity to challenge myself at a different level, moving from supporting programs in Southern California to being able to make an impact on all of the programs, across the globe. 
  • More focus on information technology strategies, and the opportunity to bring the organization up to speed with software and tech solutions to help run our programs better (and make it easier to do so). 
  • A whole new set of challenges to work through (my favorite part of working) and skills to learn. 
  • Opportunities to travel and see how programs are run in different geographies and cultures. 
  • Being able to stay with an organization that I believe in, and am passionate about. 

It wasn’t that I was looking to leave my job at Special Olympics Southern California. There are plenty of opportunities for me there, if I had stayed. It was more that this opportunity came along, with all positive things - both personal and professional - converging on it at the same time. Simply put, it was too good to pass up. 

Most of all, I’m anxious, nervous, excited, optimistic… happy. 

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