
The Podcasts

I love podcasts for the variety and the ability to listen whenever I want (versus tuning in to a radio station at a certain time each day). I see my podcasts app as my “DVR for radio”. I usually have a podcast playing during work or long, solo drives.

Here’s an alphabetical list of podcasts that I currently subscribe to (as of Nov 1, 2014):

The Apple Byte - A fun way to keep up on Apple news. At times, this podcast is cheesy but still entertaining. Aquarium of the Pacific - One of my favorite Aquariums. I’m also a member and live just a few miles away. Betty in the Sky With A Suitcase - Hilarious stories from pilots, flight attendants, and people she’s met in her travels. C|Net Update - a quick, daily look at tech news. I like Bridget Carey’s (host) subtle commentary on the news. Freakonomics Radio - I like the “story-fied” take on world economics. Human Needs - Interesting and current stories that give me another insight to the world. Insights Per Minute - Insights from designers (and other creatives). Been a while since they’ve updated. KCRW Good Food - Evan Kleiman (host) does a wonderful job covering local and world food trends. Fun show. KCRW Today’s Top Tune - Love discovering new artists through the top tune podcast. KCRW Press Play - Madeline Brand’s daily show about Los Angeles (and national, sometimes world) news. KEXP Song of the Day - Another way to discover new music. Korean Class 101 - I’m learning. The Moth - Great stories shared by people from all backgrounds. NPR How to do Everything - It’s just interesting. NPR Sunday Puzzle - Keeps the mind sharp… or, reminds me how unsharp my mind is. One with Farai - Fantastic interviews/conversations with a lot of diverse views and insights. Radiolab - Fun, educational show that covers a variety of topics. Serial - New, interesting way to report a news story (over a series of podcasts). Shots of Awe - Interesting, to say the least. Quick bursts of forward thinking. Stuff You Missed in History Class - I really wish my history classes were taught like this. Stuff You Should Know - I like learning about… things. Tekzilla - I like tech news. TED Talks HD - On occasion, I’ll listen to a bunch of TED talks for inspiration. Terra: The Nature of Our World - Interesting short films/documentaries on environmental issues. This American Life - I love human interest stories. This is Your Life - New to my library of podcasts, it was recommended to me by a colleague. Still evaluating. Travel With Rick Steves - Feeds my travel lust.

And, all of Scientific American’s 60-second podcasts. I like their short scientific stories that sometimes prompt me to Google for more info.