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I'm just saying, "go get this book!"


Aside from the gorgeous cover, Matthew SalessesI'm Not Saying, I'm Just Saying is a work of art in itself. Though new to the flash fiction genre, I have come to love the art of expressing emotion, conveying a story, and letting (forcing, actually) the reader to fill in the detail.

I have yet to meet Matthew in person (I'll have a sharpie and a copy of one of his works ready for him to sign when I do). We're connected through a variety of social media sites, namely Twitter. Through interaction, and upon the many recommendations from others, he's become one of my favorite writers.

I admire the brutal honesty and emotion he conveys in his work. He's currently writing an online novel, This Is Not About Adoption, which I am making sure to keep up on. His "working things out through writing" is something that I've done my entire life though, admittedly, not as beautifully written has he does it.

Please get yourself a copy of I'm Not Saying, I'm Just Saying.

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