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Some random thoughts on Seoul

  • Tipping is not the standard but the food servers here are extremely attentive, hospitable, friendly, etc. They’re so good that it irritates me that US servers are so bad and expect tips for doing the bare minimum. An added bonus is that most restaurants have call buttons at each table so you can “summon” a server anytime you need to. 
  • Everyone is connected here! Even the older generations seem to be walking around with smartphones.  The devices range in size from small to obscene, and no one displays any hesitation of using their electronics in public. From the parts of the city I have seen, these people are quite tech savvy. 
  • There are simply too many coffee shops in Gangnam (and most of Seoul, actually). The coffee craze here is a little absurd. Now, I love my coffee but I don’t need anywhere from 3-5 shops on the same block (sometimes right next door to each other). 
  • Small talk isn’t really a thing here yet, if you ask someone for anything they will display friendliness and help you out. 
  • Seoul drivers be crazy. Not as crazy as some other places I’ve heard about but, yeah. Seoul’s drivers be crazy. 
  • I think that, for an American, Seoul is actually quite easy to be a tourist in. If you are new to international travel, move Seoul towards the top of your list. 
  • Korean TV commercials are just as annoying as American TV commercials. 

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