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Korea, Day 5

Ra, the asiatic bear

I think I'm losing track of what day it is. Actually, I don't think I even really knew what day it was since I first arrived in Korea. I have to admit that keeping this blog is helping me track it a little bit.

We're all getting sick. Ok, that's an exaggeration (I hope). Our first "casualty" came this morning when Shawn informed us that he was too sick to go out to the venue. I was assigned to take his place, for Snowboarding, at Alpensia Resort. It's quite the cushy job, considering I am in a heated room with a team of 5 GMS volunteers at my disposal.

They're kicking butt, making my job even easier. The efficiency and speed in doing everything I am asking them to is quite impressive. They're also very amused that I'm 6 ft tall, from Los Angeles, and don't speak a word of Korean (despite my looks, of course).  I was treated to three of them performing the Gangnam Style dance for me, which I found equally amusing.

Tim is fortunate to be working at Floor Hockey, and thus has had a chance to see Michelle before I have. Michelle and I had a chance to catch up, via phone, this morning. It's fun to see the two completely different experiences we're having. She is in good spirits and is enjoying herself.

My throat is getting a little on the scratchy side. I'm fighting it off with lots of green tea and Halls. Sharon (my translator) is quite skilled at making me tea, even though I've repeatedly told her that she isn't my assistant and doesn't need to. She is very nice and is definitely making things easier for me. I think she was happy that we were reassigned to a venue instead of spending another day cooped up in the IT room.

I feel for Sharon. She is staying with a group of volunteers at a hostel-like hotel about 30 minutes from here. She has 9, yes NINE, other roommates and they're all sleeping on the floor. There's an adjacent room with 6 others (again, sleeping on the floor) and two bathrooms for the rooms. So, there's no way I'm ever complaining about sharing a hotel room again.

So not only is she sharing a room with 9 other people, she is stuck to my side every day until Feb 5. That's quite the feat. Someone give her a medal! Sharon and Michelle have something in common which is, obviously, a very special kind of patience.

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