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Things to look forward to, and things not

Today is “travel day”. While you’re reading this (if you’re keeping up with the blog every day), I’m flying from Los Angeles to Seoul. The flight is just over 12 hours (and thankfully, direct), and Seoul is 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles. So, when I land does calculations my body will have no clue what time or day it is.

Here’s hoping that I’m sitting in my window seat, in a relaxed state, with no one else in my row. Or better yet, here’s hoping that a Korean Air attendent decided to exhibit extraordinary customer service by upgrading me to first class. Of course, I’ll update you on how it all went in my next blog post.

Things I’m looking forward to:

  • Seeing parts of the country I was born in. 
  • Experiencing new foods, culture and people.
  • Being a part of the Special Olympics World Games experience.
  • Spending time with the GMS committee*
Things I am not looking forward to:
  • It being as cold as people are telling me (though, I prefer being cold to being hot). 
  • Being on an airplane for twelve hours (I love travel but, flights over 5 hrs irritate me).
  • Missing our cat (I know, when did I become a cat person, right? She’s in good hands, staying with Michelle’s sister until we get back). 

* About the GMS Committee: the GMS committee is a group of people with above-average knowledge of the Games Management System (GMS) software that Special Olympics programs use to manage competitions. Some members, like me, work for a Special Olympics. The majority are volunteers with their local programs. We are selected by Reuben (Special Olympics Inc) to serve as advisors and additional support for the Games Organizing Committee (GOC). We’re there to help train their users, troubleshoot, and provide ongoing support throughout the Games. 

In 2011, my first experience as part of the committee, there were 13 of us. We come from all over the world, one from Ireland, one from New Zealand, another from Trinidad, one from the Bahamas, and the rest from the US. This time around, there are only 11 of us. I’m also no longer the “newbie”, as Melissa is joining us from Wisconsin. (two of our members from 2011 couldn’t make this year’s Games). 

This is one of the most fun groups to be around. I really appreciate how easily we all get along. There really is never a dull moment with them (as you’ll see throughout these blog postings). 

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