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Sunday musing on Flickr and korean tacos

No "deep" thoughts for today's musing. I'm anxious for a for a few things coming this week. Nothing bad, just want things to start moving. Patience is, and always will be, something I continually strive towards.
I did grill this evening (no pictures because I simply wanted to enjoy my evening). I made Korean-inspired tacos. I grilled some bulgogi (purchased pre-marinated from Fresh and Easy), grilled a bunch of corn tortillas, added some shredded cabbage and Sriracha for some delicious tacos. Next time I do this, I'm skipping the pre-marinated pack and doing my own because, 1) the marinade (flavor) wasn't strong enough for me, and 2) the quality of the meat wasn't all that great.
I'm slowly working through my Flickr photostream, reorganizing sets and collections, adding titles, descriptions, tags, and really trying to set it up so that it's easy for me to keep things organized moving forward. I'm still a little unsure about "investing" more effort into Flickr; I just need to see some more innovation come from them. Right now, the features I want aren't there. But, I feel a bit loyal to them (as I've been with them since Nov 2004).

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