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Days 4 & 5: Whirlwind and getting out more

I didn’t post last night because, well, I was too tired. By the time I got back, up to my room, it was well into the early hours of the morning, and I had an early wake up call time.

Day 4 (Friday): Stuck in Games HQ all day. Nothing too exciting to report (or, that I want to really report on a public web page). The day was filled with a lot of waiting in between helping to troubleshoot minor and not so minor issues as they came up. Now, though we are working with a new version of the GMS software, we all understand that there will be issues that come with it. And, we're very fortunate to have the software's lead programmer on site to fix bugs as they apear. But, the issues aren't necessarily due to the software. Rather, the issues are due to a variety of factors, such as poor user training, egos, miscommunication (or sometimes a full lack of) and all of the other fun stuff that comes with working with other humans. Let us leave it that, for now.

Day 5 (Saturday): I was able to go out to a venue! Today is the last day of preparation before the competition begins (as I type this, Opening Ceremonies are running late into the night). I joined the other Patrick (from Ireland) out to Olympic Stadium to check on our setups at the complex, which include Athletics (track and field), Aquatics, Basketball, and Powerlifting. This outing included a 1.5 hr adventure on the Metro (closed stations and train rerouting), seeing some beautiful venues, really getting to know Pat more (he’s hilarious; had me laughing all day), some more troubleshooting (on the fly, at a venue, which felt good to do. Hell, it’s why our committee is here), and another 1.5 hr Metro adventure back to our hotel.

I opted to skip Opening Ceremonies because, 1) I’m tired, and the ceremonies are long (began at 7 PM and is maybe only 60% through as of midnight. The Parade of Athletes, 170 countries, takes a long time to introduce to the crowds), 2) all of the seats on the stadium, where the ceremonies are being held, are marble, which would make for a very uncomfortable evening. In fact, this whole city is marble. It’s everywhere! And, 3) Today was filled with a lot of walking in very hot sun/weather. I’m tired.

Tomorrow, the competitions begin (yay!). I’m assigned back in Games HQ where I’m hoping I can provide support as needed. This is a really talented, good, compassionate team of people. This GMS Committee is very intelligent, very fun to be around, uses common sense 99.999978% of the time, and is here for all of the right reasons (for the athletes). It’s a privilege to be a part of it, and I am willing to do whatever is needed to support the others, and this competition, to ensure a good experience for the athletes and coaches.

With that, I’m calling it a night. I’m tired, and tomorrow will be very, very busy.

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