First day back in the office since before Christmas. Was nice overall to see/interact with everyone but, wow. That took a lot of energy.

Oh, Rita Dove’s Incantation of the First Order is perfect for today. Hat tip to Matthew Ogle’s Pome for sending it to my inbox.

As seen on todays walk.

a large green and red leaf covers the bottom left side if the frame. in the background on the right, there is a skinny young tree. the leaf is backlit so you can see a lot of details.

Note to self: do you care because you’re following them? Or are you following them because you care?

As seen on this morning’s walk.

a green bush with yellow flowers. a wood fence in the background.

Watched They Call Me Magic (2022) 📺

As a kid I first started watching basketball in the mid-80s and the Lakers were my team. There was so much more to Magic than I knew about (then). A man of many chapters.

Beautiful morning for a walk.

white roses, one close the the camera lens, from a low perspective that shows the sky

It’s a good day for The Coathangers 🎵

Watched: American Murder: The Family Next Door 📺

Truly horrific. Note: I need a break from true crime media.

This week's gratitude

This week I'm grateful

  • for cooler days and walks through the neighborhoods.
  • for light rain during a few nights, allowing me to skip watering the garden this week.
  • for letters from typewriter enthusiasts, found via
  • that Thursday dinner was perfectly filling being only a tray of veggies and hummus, and
  • that Friday lunch of tacos, rice and beans, was equally filling.
  • for some needed space to evaluate a few things that need (re)evaluation.

Watched: Captive Audience : A Real American Horror Story (2022) 📺

I have a lot of mixed thoughts about the docuseries and the ever-growing true crime genre in general. An element, of this series, I didn’t like was that they had actors from the made for TV movie read lines from actual interviews. Unnecessary.

Happy Earth Day! The Greenest Phone Is the One You’ve Got

Continually hammering this message home (for myself) on everything I currently have, not just my phone and tech devices.

Finished reading: Fiona and Jane by Jean Chen Ho 📚

Beautifully written and well told story about friendships of varying levels (depth), challenges, and longevities.

A happy Meyer Lemon tree this spring! Glad I moved it to a better location.

an open blossom on a meyer lemon tree

Finished reading: LaserWriter II: A Novel by Tamara Shopsin 📚

I loved this “coming of age” vignette, full of nostalgia and focused on a tech repair shop. Even better when I learned that this is based on a real repair shop, and the impact it’s made to its community.

Solar powered cat.

a muted calico cat laying on her back in the midday sun. She's sitting on a pario bench with red cushions.