a picture of the poem, written on a typewriter

I don't tolerate your delay
because I choose not to
I want the answer faster than
you can provide one.
And though understood
and though I do want a well-thought
meaningful, and truthful reply
It's that delay on which I dwell.
It's that delay that holds my focus
It's that delay
It is that delay.

Tool’s “Sober” is the mood setter for today. 🎵

a picture of the poem, written on a typewriter

I did not charge overnight
forgetting to plug in the devices.
This morning, they are drained
as am I
waking up feeling more tired than before
turning in last night.
I envy those devices
now plugged in and
receiving direct energy
As that luxury eludes me
as I turn on another device
and another
and another
So that I may smile and nod before
my colleagues
on screen
Battery drained.

Sept. 21 🕺🏾🎵

I need to be “on” for a few meetings today. Fellow introverts know that’ll take some prep. Today’s mood setter might help: Angélique Kidjo’s cover of “Once In a Lifetime”. 🎵

a picture of the poem, written on a typewriter

We trim the edges
and control the height
automating the
and feeding for rapid growth.
Single file lines!
From one container to another
a product of consumption
and mass control.
Livelihoods depend on this control
at the expense of others'

Oh, hello. If you’re seeking an aggravating experience, might I suggest the native iOS Podcasts app? It’s guaranteed to offer multiple ways to drive you absolutely insane. Also, you’ll revisit redownloaded, already played episodes for no reason at all!

Today we’re grateful for “11am” by Incubus to set the pace/mood. 🎵

a picture of the poem, written on a typewriter

The draw of the morning sun
the cool breeze
the promise of a new day
Is weaker than the draw of
the false light from
cold metal and glass
Our attention owned by
Something manufactured and
That sunlight passes by.

A little on the nose but still, fitting. Rachael Yamagata’s “Sunday Afternoon” is our mood setter for today. 🎵

Enjoying a relaxing Saturday (as it shoujld be). Ana Tijoux’s “Vengo” is our mood setter for today. 🎵

We binge-watched all of Sex Education’s season 3. 📺

Much better than last season. The performances were more mature and the storylines gave the characters a lot more depth.

Friday, finally! Letting off some steam with The Vega Bodegas' "All My Fish Are Dead". 🎵

I feel like Nicholas Bate’s post, Writing More, Writing Better 7 spoke directly to me today. 📝

After a whirlwind of morning meetings, chilling with Led Zeppelin’s “Nobody’s Fault but Mine”. 🎵

I have watched Norm Macdonald deliver “the moth joke” a few times since his passing and laugh every time. 😆😢

Had this on repeat for a couple loops, this morning. “Cup of Coffee” by Garbage. 🎵

Macdonald once talked about an uncle dying of cancer, skewering how we now describe people suffering from that disease as “waging a battle” because that means the last thing you do before you die is lose. “I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure that if you die, then the cancer also dies at the same time,” Macdonald said on Comedy Central. “That to me is not a loss. That’s a draw.”

via The New York Times. RIP, Norm Macdonald.

The two “big” events for today were Apple’s “California Streaming” and the vote on the Gubernatorial Recall Election. Their contrasting juxtaposition is not lost on me.

The beginning of Apple’s stream was a love letter to California. It made me proud to call it home.

Today’s mood courtesy of Courtney Barnett’s “Before You Gotta Go”. 🎵

Why should we feel anger at the world? As if the world would notice.

~Marcus Aurelius

h/t Mike Crittenden

Newsletter sent. In this one, I write about how the approval to move forward on a greefield project (at work) coincides with my growing interest in creating and further embracing Indiweb. ✉️

I had something else in mind for today’s mood setter but, you know what? This is more fitting: Japanese Breakfast “Be Sweet”. 🎵

Mixed and nuanced feelings, today. “Make It Better”, by Lola Tried. 🎵

One of the more touching blog posts I have read in a while: Tyrant Lizard King by Audrey Waters.